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Your Customer InformationLabgrafix - ROES Order Processing System
Setting Your Personal Preferences
Displaying Images

Our Remote Order Entry System (ROES) features some user-defined preferences.  Click the Preferences button in the Control Panel at the bottom of the screen.

Search Enclosed Folders
Checking this option causes the Image Area folder control to search the subfolders within the currently selected folder.

Show Image Thumbnails
Checking this option allows the Image Area to show the actual thumbnail of the images in the searched folder.  When unchecked, a standard image placeholder is used.

Show Queue Window when sending
Checking this option will show the status of the order being sent in the Queue Manager

Remember last folder used between launches
Checking this option will cause ROES to open the last folder used to place an order in the Image Area

Show hot areas when editing nodes
Checking this option will show areas of an image node that can be clicked and dragged to customize your prints.  An image node is the part of our product template where your images are dropped in the Layout Area

Revert to edit tool after draw
Checking this option will automatically switch to the Edit tool after using the Draw tool when creating your own designs.

Show Banner
Unchecking this option will hide the Labgrafix logo at the top of the screen to give you more workspace.

Show prices (requires relaunch)
Unchecking this option will hide the prices displayed in our catalog, making this a powerful tool to help you sell your own pictures.

Use pro tool layout
Unchecking this option will hide the pro tools for auto-cropping, hold options, hold quantity, hold images, lock image, crop or fit, Auto Rotate and Reticle.

Auto rotate affects print size instead of image
Checking this option will allow the print size to rotate instead of the image rotating hen using the auto rotate feature.

When auto rotating, do so counterclockwise
Checking this option will cause the auto rotate feature to do so counterclockwise.

Days to back up orders
Orders are automatically backed up for the amount of days specified in the box.

Image Application
You have the option to set an image application association inside PPPS.  Any image editing application installed on your computer can be used to edit thumbnails in the Image Area.  Right or Control clicking on a thumbnail will now show Open With Image Application in the Context Menu.

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Website © 2009 Labgrafix or its affiliates
Labgrafix is a complete Fuji Professional Film and Digital Processing lab offering more than just prints. Photobooks, Canvas, Press Printing, Enlargements, Retouching, Restoration, Photo Gifts, Templates, Online Hosting and more are available to enhance your professional workflow.